District Legal Service Authority (DLSA), Baksa has released a notification for the recruitment of 24 Para Legal volunteer vacancy at Baksa District under District Legal Services Authority, Baksa. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here.
Baksa Judiciary Recruitment 2022
Name of post: Para Legal volunteer
No of posts: 24
Eligibility Criteria:
1. He/she must be a citizen of India.
2. The applicants should be literate, preferably matriculate with a capacity for over all comprehension and should have mind-set to assist the needy in society coupled with the compassion, empathy and concern for the upliftment of marginalized and weaker sections of the society.
3. Preferably the PLVs shall be selected, who do not look up to the income they derive from their services as PLV, but they should have a mind set up to assist the needy in the society.
Age: The minimum age for the selection of Para Legal Volunteer should not be less than 21 years as on the date of advertisement.
Pay: The work of PLVs does not carry any salary, remuneration or wages except honorarium fixed by District Legal Services Authority, Baksa from time to time, as per rules.
How to apply: Application as published in the Assam Gazette in Part-IX along with two (2) copies of passport size photographs, one self addressed envelope with relevant testimonials attested by a Gazetted Officer must reach in the Office of the District Legal Services Authority, Baksa on or before 08/06/2022 up to 04:30 P.M.